Unofficial Discharge Day
It’s a good day. I woke up with my nurse by my bedside and she told me some great news. I was finally going to be discharged, Unofically...
An early Christmas celebration
So school ended today for all my friends. Since its the winter holidays and Christmas is just around the corner my friend decided to just...
A slight surprise
Its been 6 months since I was last in School and I haven’t seen my friends in ages. I requested special permission from my nurse and...
Designing my own LVAD bag
When the LVAD was created, I think the least important aspect taken into account was the fashion side of it. The bag that comes with an...
The next Usain Bolt?
I’ve been going to Physio everyday now and I’m really happy with my improvement. I’m now able to go on the treadmill for 15 minutes, use...
Not so Clockenflap weekend
If you live in Hong Kong and you’re a teenager, the one place you should be this weekend is Clockenflap. Clockenflap is possibly one of...
I don't CU
I’ve finally been transferred out of ICU and this whole thing has really given me some great motivation to keep pushing and hopefully get...
A living nightmare
It’s been a week since I’ve had my LVAD and I cannot explain how painful this is. The day after my operation I was asked to get out of...
I didn't expect that at all...
I woke up at 4:45 the next morning. I have never felt so much pain in my life. I had a tube down my throat to help provide oxygen whilst...
Lucky number 3?
I guess 3 should be my new lucky number. I had my last operation on October 3rd and today is exactly a month later, November 3rd. I was...