Operation prep
A lot of you must be thinking how I feel about the fact that im going to be on portable life support. The truth is, I don’t really have...
Meeting with a heart-transplant doctor
So today didn’t go as planned. Im not disappointed but I’m just shocked. My doctor came to see me and she was extremely straight forward....
Not this again....
The one thing I’ve learnt about Doctors in Hong Kong, is that they don’t like to talk much to children. Im seventeen now and am trying to...
First Check-up
Today was my first check up. 8 hours at the Hospital, what else could be so fun? I did an echo again and everything seemed to be as it...
This wasn’t a good sign…. Vomiting everywhere, sleeping in bed for nearly 20 hours a day. I had no energy. It felt like everything was...
Cutting off the Hospital tag
Happy early birthday to my sister Riana. She turns 21… Even though she’s 4 years older than she acts as if she’s my mother. I think that...
An early Halloween? Trick or treat
I woke up not knowing what to think…. This was going to be one hell of an operation. Unfortunately I was stupid enough of doing myself...
First physio session
The day had finally come…. I STEPPED OUT OF MY BED!!! Put on my nikes and told myself “just do it”. My physiotherapist were with me and I...
So am I becoming the next Iron-man?
I sat down with the team of Drs earlier today and they had a couple of questions to ask me, for example; how do you feel about a heart...
When can I start walking again?
Its coming up to about a month now that I’ve been in Hospital and I have not stepped foot out of my bed. The feeling of having the...